Spinach Yam Cake

01 Jun / 2023
Spinach Yam Cake
This cute little pastry is full of fiber and protein, perfect for breakfast or afternoon tea, and the process and ingredients are quite simple!
Required ingredients:
180g yam
2 eggs
Appropriate amount of spinach
24g rice flour
Production steps:
1、Soak spinach in hot water with salt, remove from water and squeeze dry; spinach + 2 egg yolks + rice flour 8g + yam 60g, stir.
2、Line the mold with greaseproof paper and brush with oil in advance, pour in 2/3 of the green batter, cover with plastic wrap and poke holes, steam on the pan for 7 minutes for solidification.
3、Pour 120g of yam, 16g of rice flour and 2 egg whites into a container and mix. Set aside a small portion of the batter for surface decoration, pour the rest into the mold.
4、Mix the white batter with half an egg yolk or pumpkin powder to make a yellow color and squeeze out the stamen.Score the remaining green batter on the surface with a toothpick to create a pattern. Extrude large and small dots of white batter on the top layer and use a toothpick to score small daisies from the edge to the center.
5、Cover with plastic wrap and tie the holes in the pot and steam for 20-23 minutes, smother for 5 minutes, let cool and unmold.